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Published by: Graham Commander on 22-Jan-19
Home Based Work or Business?

Everyday people search in their thousands in hopes of find paid work that they can do from home

I know I was one of those people, when I first started out I had no idea what I could do and little if anything to offer at the time

My first real attempt was with eBay, but in order to become a seller at that time, you had to get a high rating as a buyer first

So I became a buying and as I paid instantly through PayPal, my rating shot upwards, however during that process I lost interest in selling, until sometime later

After much experiments I add adverts that I hoped were eye-catching and informative, but I only ever sold two items both priced 99p

So I didn’t pursue eBay as source of income, but continued to be a buyer there to this day

Later on in my search, I join a micro job site, were I managed to think of services I could offer there for payment, and a little success by making a few sales

One of the drawback with that site, is you can only charge $5 until your customer rating is high enough to be allowed to add extra features to the “gigs” as they are called

Plus the site deducts $1 from every payment, so you could be doing a lot of work to please customers for very little money

You also have to set a deadline and keep to it, or risk losing orders and gaining a bad reputation for late delivery, which in turn will affect any future sales

There are other sites that offer a higher rate of payments, such as freelance work, but with those you need to be experienced in whatever you offer and have some kind of portfolio examples

Which you can and should add to as you gain feedback from any new customers, by becoming a freelance worker you actually become self-employed and your work becomes your business

As with any business it needs to be run efficiently as a business and not as casual pastime, which may mean going out visiting customers, depending on what kind of service you offer

To be continued …….

Online businesses

Owing your own online business is slightly different to running a bricks and mortar business, but still needs to be taken seriously

The biggest difference is your customers come to you through the internet, normally which is referred to as traffic

However sending traffic directly to your website is a big mistake as landing pages are needed to capture details to help build a mailing list

You can however combine your website and a capture method by adding a drop down feature, although the drop down may not work as well as landing pages, it might be a case of trial and error

By testing and tweaking until you get the results you want


